Camping on Lake Molveno At the foot of the Brenta Dolomites

Services and obligations for dogs

Amenities for dogs, camping with our 4 legged friends

You don’t want to leave your pet dog at home? Well, bring him along, too!

Our camping ground is animal friendly so you can enjoy your holidays with your pet!

To allow everybody to enjoy an unforgettable holiday a small part of the beaches has been reserved for those who don’t have animals.

The rest of the beaches are free territory for your 4 legged friends . Here you’ll also find free dog excretion bag machines to keep the beaches clean for everybody.

The Management will decide whether or not to accept pets that belong to “ dangerous” breeds”. All pets must comply with the vet certifications of the police.
All dogs must be kept on a leash at all times and must never be left alone on the camping grounds.

For logistic reasons, dogs are not allowed in the bungalows


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